Conservation Dogs is the UK’s leading suppliers of wildlife detection dogs for the UK and International operations, to assist with conservation needs and ecological surveys.
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Carcass Detection
Every species of bat is protected under EU law. Their protection is not only a necessity but a requirement. Conducting surveys in to their mortality rates is common place around wind turbines, new roads and building construction.
Live Animal Detection
Clearing areas of protected and endangered species can be costly and time consuming. We have trained detection dogs that can make this process more efficient and effective.

Product of Animal Origin Detection
We have formed detection dog units and handler training in Gabon and Tanzania in the fight against wildlife poaching.
Scat Detection
One of the most effective ways of determining population sizes in areas and the success of reintroduction projects for elusive species, is to perform DNA tests on animal scats. Here at Conservation dogs we have trained a detection dog to locate scats of pine martens, and conducted discrimination training on other ‘similar’ scats to ensure it is only pine marten scats that the dog detects.